Monday, March 24, 2008

Our First Pony and Boat Ride!

The Foodmans invited us to their mountain house! Of course we jumped at the chance to spend some time with them and their two twin boys, Jack and Parker. Carter and the boys are only one month apart and they loved playing with each other!
Carter went for his first boat ride and didn't completely enjoy himself, he wasn't into wearing his life jacket at all.

Here we are on our first pony ride, myself included. I wasn't expecting to ride also, but that was the only way to get Carter to sit up there. The helmet was a must and they only had kid sizes! What Moms will go through for a good picture!

Thank you again Foodmans!!! We had a blast!
- February 9th, 2008 -

1 comment:

shellyeve said...

so fun! i love the one where you are on the horse with carter and wearing a helmet that is his size. haha/ you're great!